Note: The endpoint can be called by either a GET or POST request.
The following parameters are passed as a json string as part of the authentication request:

Field Description Example
WaybillNo a unique value which distinguishes each waybill TEST005
AccName Account Name Huli Corp
AccNum Account Number HC001
AccNum2 Account Number HC002
Acc_Address01 first part of address ADD1
Acc_Address02 second part of address ADD2
Acc_Address03 third part of address ADD3
Acc_Address04 city JOHANNESBURG
Acc_PostalCode postal code 1234
Acc_TelNo telephone number 0114564561
Dest_Name destination city JOHANNESBURG
Dest_Address01 first part of destination address DESTADD1
Dest_Address02 second part of destination address DESTADD2
Dest_Address03 third part of destination address DESTADD3
Dest_Address04 fourth part of destination address DESTADD4
Dest_PostalCode destination postal code 1447
Serv_Code service code ECO
NoParcels number of parcels 5
Weight weight 50
Instruct instructions Handle with care
WaybillNoDate date of waybill creation 2018-07-03
Filename name of file FILENAME123.XLSX
Route_Code route code designated by carrier CARRIER1
Dest_Code destination code JHB
Orig_Code origin code JHB
Carrier CARRIER2
Contact_Name Tom Cruise
Contact_TelNo 0114564561
Cost_Centre CC1
Dest_AccNum TC001
Reference REF1
GroupName identifier from winfreight wintest

The possible responses from calling this endpoint are as follows:

Response Description
Success returns a json ResultSet including the SuccessMessage: OK - Waybill No - has been created successfully!
Failure this is a data error, it returns a json ResultSet including the appropriate ErrorMessage such as Collection No, already exists or missing parameters, or wrong format
Error this is a server error, an appropriate ErrorMessage is returned from the server