Note: The endpoint can be called by either a GET or POST request.
The following parameters are passed as a json string as part of the authentication request:

Field Description Example
COLLNO a unique value which distinguishes each collection TEST0002
Waybill a unique value which distinguishes each waybill TEST005
DATE date of entry 2021/01/13
Items number of items (numeric value) 2
Length parcel length 10
Width parcel width 10
Height parcel height 10
Weight parcel weight 100
GroupName identifier from winfreight Wintest
ProductCode product identifier 007
Description additional parcel description this parcel is blue

The possible responses from calling this endpoint are as follows:

Response Description
Success returns a json ResultSet including the SuccessMessage: OK - Parcel No - has been created successfully!
Failure this is a data error, it returns a json ResultSet including the appropriate ErrorMessage such as Parcel No, already exists or missing parameters, or wrong format
Error this is a server error, an appropriate ErrorMessage is returned from the server
Create Collection Dims