Note: The endpoint can be called by either a GET or POST request.
The following parameters are passed as a json string as part of the authentication request:

Field Description Example
CollectionNo a unique value to distinguish collection. TEST0004
Date Date in the format: YYYY/MM/DD 2021/01/13
FromClientName name of client from whom collection is originating. Huli Corp
FromAccountNo account number from which collection is originating. WIN001
FromTown town or area from which collection is originating. JOHANNESBURG
ToAccountNo account number to which collection is being sent to. TEST002
ToClientName name of client to whom collection is being sent to. Pied Piper
ToTown town or area to which collection is being sent to. JOHANNESBURG
ServiceCode e.g ONX (overnight courier), NDX (normal air)... ECO
TotalWeight a numeric value indicating the sum total weight of all items in collection. 12
Pieces a numeric value indicating the number of individual items in the collection. 1
Comments a comment to be noted Hold at depot
CollectionStatus indicates whether the collection is complete or pending delivered
Branch the branch from which collection is being made JNB
API_User User or developer company passing the data. shoprite integration
Driver Name of driver James
FromAddress1 Building name and unit number of sender. UNIT 51 AVANTE GARDE AVE
FromAddress2 Street name of sender. NORTHLANDS DECO PARK
FromAddress3 Name of suburb or industrial area. JOHANNESBURG
FromTownCode Town code of sender. JNB
FromContact Name of sender Sipho
FromTel Phone number of sender 011 453 1223
ToAddress1 Building name and unit number of receiver. 62 SPYKER CRESCENT
ToAddress2 Street name of receiver. STORMILL
ToAddress3 Name of suburb or industrial area of receiver. JOHANNESBURG
ToTownCode Town code of receiver JNB
ToContact Name of receiver. Jonathan
ToTel Phone number of receiver. 083 312 3625
Reference A text reference for the collection 240256
SpecialInstructions Instructions specific to collection. Handle with care, fragile.
GroupName Group name specifies databse to which post must be saved. Use group name assigned to you by winfreight. wintest


The possible responses from calling this endpoint are as follows:

Response Description
Success returns a json ResultSet including the SuccessMessage: OK - Collection No - has been created successfully!
Failure this is a data error, it returns a json ResultSet including the appropriate ErrorMessage such as Collection No, already exists or missing parameters, or wrong format
Error this is a server error, an appropriate ErrorMessage is returned from the server

Create Collection Example